
Ringo Starr’s “No No Song” and “Snookeroo” Collide

“No No Song” and “Snookeroo” are two songs from Ringo Starr’s 1974 album “Goodnight Vienna.”

“No No Song” was written by Hoyt Axton and David Jackson. It’s a humorous and lighthearted track in which the narrator recalls various situations where he was offered drugs or alcohol but declined, saying “no, no” to the temptation. The song features catchy lyrics and a lively musical arrangement, characteristic of Ringo Starr’s fun and playful style. “No No Song” became a hit, reaching No. 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

“Snookeroo,” on the other hand, was written by Elton John and Bernie Taupin. It’s a more reflective and soulful track, showcasing Ringo Starr’s sentimental side. The song’s lyrics tell the story of a fictional character named Snookeroo and his adventures. The melody has a bluesy and soulful vibe, and Elton John also provided backing vocals on the track.

Both songs contributed to Ringo Starr’s successful “Goodnight Vienna” album, showcasing his versatility as a musician and entertainer.

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